Shropshire Buzz’Ards – New Contact Details

As some of you may know, Orange – my e-mail provider – has bitten the dust. I’ve set up a new e-mail account which members can use to contact me about all things related to the Shropshire Buzz’Ards Section.

My new e-mail address is:

The Shropshire Buzz’Ards have completed our three big runs for the year (you can read what we got up to in ‘Buzzing’ magazine) and our next section event, other than regular monthly meetings at the Corbet Arms, will be at the Borders Classic Motorcycle Show in Cleobury Mortimer over the weekend of 9th-10th September. Look forward to seeing you there.

John Burgess

Photo: John with fellow Buzz’Ard David Eyre (right) at the Corbett Arms, Uffington near Shrewsbury