Please see page 18 of the February 2024 issue of Buzzing for an application form to book your pitch at Ted’s Hunger Hill campsite, where we’ve been for the past 2 years, celebrating our National Rally. Ted’s is at Sherrifhales, Shifnal TF11 8SA. New prices: caravans, motor-homes and trailer tents – £15 per person per night, tents are £10 pppn, electrical hookups £8 per day. There is the possibility of a visiting pizza oven on Saturday. Please call Nick on 07833 623630 or Dave on 01686 669811 to book yourself a pitch for the weekend.

We’ll have a ride out on Friday to Norbury Junction on the Shropshire Union canal where there is a good cafe for lunch, for Saturday we’re heading for Halfpenny Green aerodrome for lunch, via Patshull Lake to have their famous bacon butties! Sunday’s run will be to RAF Cosford, it also has a great cafe.

Below are a couple of photos of the 2022 National Rally.

Classic & Vintage Motorcycle Show, Sunday 14th May 2023 at The British Commercial Vehicle Museum, King Street, Leyland PR25 2LE

1939 Gnome et Rhone

This event is open to non VMCC members, other motorcycle clubs and individuals with veteran, vintage and classic bikes which they would like to display. As with previous shows, expect great machines, good chat and a museum which never fails to impress visitors. The cinema will be screening vintage motorcycle racing events (including early IoM TT races) throughout the day.

Exhibitor entry is FREE. Please note: early arrival is essential, gates open at 7.30am but will be closed to bike entry at 10am. Visitor entry is from 10am. For more info contact Rick Robertson on 01772 451011, a trustee of the Commercial Vehicle Museum.

Obituary – Roland (Roly) Scarce

Sadly, Roland (Roly) Scarce passed away in January. Roly was a member of the NACC for many years after being introduced to the club by Ray & Mark Gibb. Roly took part in many club runs (including two long trips – the 2010 Side to Side and the 2012 Land’s End to Lowestoft runs), as well as a couple of Coast to Coast runs. He particularly enjoyed the NACC National Rallies and the Sars Poteries events in France.

He was a founder member of the East Coast Pedalers section of the NACC and, although we parted ways with the NACC a few years ago, we continue to meet up informally for a few runs and rides to local shows throughout the year. Up until very recently Roly would often be seen acting as ‘back-up’ in his blue Ford Transit van still taking an active interest in our events – despite ill health preventing him from riding himself.

Roly’s sharp wit and his love of life was infectious and he will be much missed by everyone. Later in the year the East Coast Pedalers will hold a memorial run in Roly’s honour.

Carl Squirrel

Roly when acting as backup for Carl Squirrel’s 2013 Le Jog

We wish Barry Cooksley a speedy recovery from his operation.

Fellow Vale of Glamorgan Section member Ivor Slade contacted us to let us know that Barry had been hospitalised for an operation and that he is now recuperating at home. We send Barry our best wishes for speedy recovery from all his biking friends. Get well soon, Barry! He is the leader of the NACC Vale of Glamorgan Section, having inherited the role following the death of Ray Butcher in 2020.

The 2024 NACC Coast-to-Coast run is on June 22-23, organised by the TWITTS Section.

Participants on the 2022 C2C arrive at Whitehaven

Plans are as follows:

The route from Crimdon Beach at Hartlepool to the harbour at Whitehaven will be much the same as before, with the overnight stop again at Alston.  But there will some additional features to add to the riders’ experience and enjoyment of the event.

This will include a dinner on Saturday evening, so that everyone can get together in one group for some good food, a drink and a chat, instead of being scattered in small groups around Alston.

There will also be a fuller breakdown and rescue facility provided throughout the run, the availability of camping and secure parking at Crimdon, plus secure overnight parking at Alston.  And, at the end of the run, if riders and their supporters want to stay-over on Sunday night, there is a well-recommended and economical B&B venue near Whitehaven.

Hotel, B&B and other accommodation at Alston is in great demand in the summer but, at his point, prospective participants have still got the advantage of making early bookings, some of which TWITTs have already tentatively reserved for the C2C.

So if you, fellow NACC members and others, and any travelling supporters want to be on the run, it would be most helpful if you pre-register your intentions with the TWITTs, without delay.

To do this, contact David Quainton at TWITTs – again without delay -preferably by email to: david@highotts.co.uk or otherwise on his mobile: 07808 895 486.

He will provide fuller details of the C2C and information on and assistance with accommodation bookings at Alston.

Hulpmotoren Treffen Stramproy 10-11 September

A few photos of this year’s event at Stramproy, see the next post for information on regulations. British participants this year were Mike & Renata Hele, Nick Devonport, Ian McGregor and Dave Beare.

Markus Kepke’s restored Lutz
Naud Aenderkerk’s collection of cyclemotors at Stramproy
Two typical cyclemotors participating at Stramproy, a Berini M13 and an HWM
Mopeds were allowed on the Sunday run of 63km

Invitation to the Stramproy Cyclemotor Rally 10-11 September 2022

We hereby invite you to the 18th edition of the unparalleled Cyclemotor Event Stramproy. This year the theme is “side-mounted engines”, e.g. Bantamoto, Victoria FM38L, VAP4 etc.. Riders who come with a cyclemotor mounted at the side of the rear wheel will receive a free extra ticket in the raffle on Saturday. The main prize is again a bicycle with cyclemotor.

This year we are allowed to use our own campsite again and we also facilitate breakfast for the camping guests. If you want to stay the night at the campsite of the meeting or participate in the barbecue or breakfast, please make a reservation at least one week in advance.

The Saturday ride is primarily intended for bicycles with a separate cyclemotor from the fifties or earlier, or original mopeds where a cyclemotor engine is used as a built-in engine. To maintain the character of the Saturday ride, participation with a moped is therefore not allowed. If for certain reasons you are unable to ride a bicycle with a cyclemotor, please request dispensation from the organization well in advance to participate with a moped.
The Saturday stage is completely marked out and can therefore be run at your own pace. Before the rides there is the opportunity to sell a car boot. So take your excess stuff with you. Maybe you can make someone happy with it.

The Sunday ride is basically a ride like any other RHC ride. It is ridden in groups and is open to bicycles with a cyclemotor and mopeds up to the year of construction 1965, yet we also prefer to see as many real auxiliary engines as possible.

For the program and other information about the meeting, we refer to the website: www.hulpmotor.net
(click on the UK flag)