New Devon Autocyclists Event in October – the Lyford 3.5 Run

Photo: April’s hardy souls from the Devon Autocyclists on the Lyford 3 Run

News has come in from Roy Best at the Devon Autocyclists that there will be a re-run of the section’s Lyford event which took place earlier this year on 30th April in horrendous weather.  The re-run is planned for Sunday 1st October. Meet at the Lyford car park at 10am for an 11am start with refreshments at Roadford Lake café and return to car park.

Despite heavy rain throughout the day, April’s Lyford run was not cancelled – we’re made of tough stuff here at the Buzzing Club! ‘Lyford 3′ was completed successfully by six hardy souls. You will be able to read the full tale of West Country derring-do in August’s issue of ‘Buzzing’. Hence, October’s run has been named ‘Lyford 3.5′ … and hopefully October will bring kinder weather than April’s showers.

Put it in your diary and pop over to hear the tales of April’s feat of autocycling endurance as you enjoy the same run … hopefully minus the precipitation!