With immediate effect two new members of the NACC committee have taken on vacant positions.
Buzzing Production has been taken over by Steve Corbett as of the February issue of our magazine. All items, run reports, news, articles and adverts for April and future issues should be sent to Steve at 29 Kingsway, Chester, CH2 2LB, tel 01244 344093 or email to:
Events Secretary – our new Events Secretary is Treasurer Liz Butler, who has taken on the post formerly held by Dave Beare. To obtain a permit and signing-on sheet please contact Liz at rterry526@btinternet.com or by post at Rose Cottage, 5 Sandy Lane, Codsall, Wolverhampton WV8 1EJ.
The committee post of Club Historian has passed to Rob Hirons, who can be contacted by e-mail at Robert.Hirons@scania.com or by post to 30 Rose Way, Stoke Golding CV13 6HG.