The bi-annual NACC stand at the Stafford shows, superbly organised by Liz Butler & Bob Terry of the South Staffs Section, won an unexpected award for the sheer variety of machines displayed! They were; John Young’s NVT Easy Rider, John Burgess’s 1957 Leopard Bobby 5, Neil Howell’s 1950 ex-Keith Walker Bown autocycle (which gained a Highly Commended rosette), Simon Lake’s Puch VZ50, Rob Hirons’ 1948 Brockhouse Corgi, Ian McGregor’s Solex 6000, Nick Devonport’s Motobécane Mobyx X7VL, Bob Jeffcoat’s newly-restored Norman Cyclemate and Dave Beare’s ex-John Hook Dawes/Bernardi Buzz cyclemotor. Read all about the show and the bikes in the June issue of Buzzing!