NACC Stand at the International Classic Motorcycle Show, Stafford, wins the award for Best Mixed Make Club Stand!

Members John Young, Rob Hirons, Ian McGregor, stand organiser Liz Butler and Dave Beare with the award plaque and rosette for Best Mixed Make Club Stand..
Ten bikes, all different makes and types, attracted the stand judges eyes!

The bi-annual NACC stand at the Stafford shows, superbly organised by Liz Butler & Bob Terry of the South Staffs Section, won an unexpected award for the sheer variety of machines displayed! They were; John Young’s NVT Easy Rider, John Burgess’s 1957 Leopard Bobby 5, Neil Howell’s 1950 ex-Keith Walker Bown autocycle (which gained a Highly Commended rosette), Simon Lake’s Puch VZ50, Rob Hirons’ 1948 Brockhouse Corgi, Ian McGregor’s Solex 6000, Nick Devonport’s Motobécane Mobyx X7VL, Bob Jeffcoat’s newly-restored Norman Cyclemate and Dave Beare’s ex-John Hook Dawes/Bernardi Buzz cyclemotor. Read all about the show and the bikes in the June issue of Buzzing!