Ray was a true “gentleman” in every sense of the word. Throughout his time as Chairman of the NACC, whether chairing Committee meetings or hosting an AGM, Ray was always prepared to listen to arguments for and against any proposition. He was calm, reflective and rational, never losing his equanimity or sense of humour – whatever his personal view on a subject – while others around him might be losing theirs.
He saw through biased opinions with honesty and could weigh pros and cons even-handedly. He listened, thought through what was going on and would give a reasoned judgement. While he was in hospital in late June he managed to participate in a committee Zoom meeting, despite undergoing treatment for his illness, and made his views known to us.
Ray had a collection of high-quality small and large bikes and was a regular participant at NACC National Rallies. He often rode out with members of the Vale of Glamorgan Section on the (usually cold & wet) St. David’s Day Dawdle, as well as the VMCC Cyclemotor Section’s Welsh Run from Abergavenny, accompanied by his many friends from the NACC and VMCC.
Ray was born in Cardiff in 1947 and completed his education there. On leaving school he joined a local company, John Williams Windows, manufacturers and fitters of double-glazing units, learning a great deal about the trade, such that he started his own business at age 23, Ace Windows, in partnership with a friend. The business was successful, if demanding, and may have sparked Ray’s interest in using his engineering talents for his next venture, as a self-employed locksmith, which kept him busy for the rest of his working life. He was married and has one son, Steve.