For those who may not have heard, a few personnel changes have occurred in the NACC’s central committee as follows:-
Membership Secretary – Brian Groves
We have a new Membership Secretary in Brian Groves of Berkshire who has volunteered to take on the role previously undertaken by Bob Jeffcoat for the past ten years. Brian’s contact details appear on the on-line membership application form – so all new applications and renewals will need to go to Brian.
Events Secretary – Bob Jeffcoat
Proving you can’t keep a good man down, Bob Jeffcoat has taken on the role of Events Secretary from Liz Butler. Applications for Event Permits and return of completed permits should now go to Bob over in the West Midlands, rather than Liz. Contact details on the Events Permit Form.
Treasurer / Acting Secretary – Liz Butler
Having just recovered from this year’s highly successful annual rally, Liz Butler has breathed a sigh of relief as her three committee ‘hats’ are reduced to two – she retains Treasurer and Acting Club Secretary roles, so any matter you wish to put to the club committee can be sent to Liz (and/or Chairman Ray Butcher).
Photo: ‘Nippy’ Bob Jeffcoat leads ’em out from the Bradford Arms