We wish Barry Cooksley a speedy recovery from his operation.

Fellow Vale of Glamorgan Section member Ivor Slade contacted us to let us know that Barry had been hospitalised for an operation and that he is now recuperating at home. We send Barry our best wishes for speedy recovery from all his biking friends. Get well soon, Barry! He is the leader of the NACC Vale of Glamorgan Section, having inherited the role following the death of Ray Butcher in 2020.

The 2024 NACC Coast-to-Coast run is on June 22-23, organised by the TWITTS Section.

Participants on the 2022 C2C arrive at Whitehaven

Plans are as follows:

The route from Crimdon Beach at Hartlepool to the harbour at Whitehaven will be much the same as before, with the overnight stop again at Alston.  But there will some additional features to add to the riders’ experience and enjoyment of the event.

This will include a dinner on Saturday evening, so that everyone can get together in one group for some good food, a drink and a chat, instead of being scattered in small groups around Alston.

There will also be a fuller breakdown and rescue facility provided throughout the run, the availability of camping and secure parking at Crimdon, plus secure overnight parking at Alston.  And, at the end of the run, if riders and their supporters want to stay-over on Sunday night, there is a well-recommended and economical B&B venue near Whitehaven.

Hotel, B&B and other accommodation at Alston is in great demand in the summer but, at his point, prospective participants have still got the advantage of making early bookings, some of which TWITTs have already tentatively reserved for the C2C.

So if you, fellow NACC members and others, and any travelling supporters want to be on the run, it would be most helpful if you pre-register your intentions with the TWITTs, without delay.

To do this, contact David Quainton at TWITTs – again without delay -preferably by email to: david@highotts.co.uk or otherwise on his mobile: 07808 895 486.

He will provide fuller details of the C2C and information on and assistance with accommodation bookings at Alston.