NACC member Jim Switzer kindly sent the following link to two American websites featuring Janus motorcycles, recreations of high-performance mopeds reminiscent of such bikes as the Yamaha Fizzie, which many of us ran with “L” plates back in the days when one motorcycle licence sufficed for all capacities, except sidecars, which you had to take a separate test for. Just the kind of website to visit on a cold, wet winter’s evening……
NACC 2019 CALENDAR- get yours now!
Stuck with a grotty 2019 calendar featuring kittens, dogs or rural scenes? What you really need is a superb 2019 NACC Calendar, which features a new drawing of ‘our’ kind of machines every month by artist Martin Squires. Martin produces wonderfully detailed line drawings, he sketched some of the bikes on the NACC stand at the Stafford shows, those illustrated can be seen below. They include; PowerPak Synchromatic, Honda PC 50, Trojan Mini-Motor (David Stephenson’s Le Jog bike), Triumph Fips, Berini “Egg”, BSA Winged Wheel, Raleigh Wisp, James Superlux autocycle, Express SDL 98, Diem D48, Honda C90, Mercury Mercette and Itom Tourist.
Supplies are limited so don’t delay and email Regalia Secretary Nick Devonport at or call Nick on 07833 623630 to place your order. Calendars are £10 each plus postage & packing, cheques made out to National Autocycle & Cyclemotor Club Ltd. please. Size is A4, 11.75in x 8.25in or 30 x 21cms.