Classic Moped Spares to Feature on TV’s ‘Find It, Fix It, Flog It’

Photo: Malcolm (centre) with ‘Find It, Fix It, Flog It’ presenters Henry Cole and Simon O’Brien

I am sure many of our members know of Classic Moped Spares based in Taunton, Somerset; suppliers of, amongst other things, VeloSolex, Peugeot, Puch and Motobecane parts. Well, their fame may spread a little wider after this month when they are to appear on national television!

Malcolm Corrigan from Classic Moped Spares has been in touch to say they will feature in the Channel 4 television show ‘Find It, Fix It, Flog It’ in which the show’s presenters, Henry Cole and Simon O’Brien, travel across the UK to find items to fix up and flog for profit … in this case – you guessed! – a moped. To this end, they are aided by Malcolm at Classic Moped Spares. The screening date for the episode is 25th September 2017, with a proposed screening time of 3pm (although the time may change due to network programming). So, look out for it – and set those video recorders!

As a keen enthusiast of all things small capacity, ‘Moped Malc’ is looking forward to the show generating some good publicity and increased UK interest in mopeds generally. What are we likely to see? Well, after all the fun of filming, Malcolm has not seen the final edited version but is sure it will be entertaining and, hopefully, encourage people to restore their mopeds … and, if they go on to ‘flog it’, let’s hope it ends up in the small ads in ‘Buzzing’!!

New Date for ‘Motor Bike Day’ at Goole Waterways Museum

The East Yorkshire Section are regulars at the ‘Autumn Motor Bike Day’ organised each year by the Yorkshire Waterways Museum at Goole, making sure the NACC and our kind of tiddler get a look in amongst all the bigger motor bikes that turn up … and punching well above our weight when it comes to attracting the visiting public’s attention!

Anyone planning to pop along should note there has been a change of date. A representative from the Museum has let us know the event has been moved from Sunday 1st October to Sunday 8th October. The reason is a bridge closure for maintenance in Goole on the 1st, which makes the museum almost inaccessible on the day.

As always, Terry from the East Yorkshire Section is the contact for more info – his e-mail address is

Photo: Mopeds on display at the Waterways Museum

Borders Classic Bike Show, Shropshire

The Shropshire Buzz’Ards Section will once again be presenting an NACC stand at Jim Reynolds’ ‘Borders Classic Bike Show’. The show takes place at Lacon Childe School in the pretty Shropshire village of Cleobury Mortimer over next weekend, 9th – 10th September.

The perennial show, started by Jim Reynolds, and now in its 29th year, has a lovely informal atmosphere, copious cake, an auto jumble and exhibitor camping in the school grounds, plus a Saturday curry night to boot!

John Burgess from the Buzz’Ards may still be on the look out for machines to display … or, if you just want to know more, contact John on 01270 500469 or

Photo: Club stand at the 2016 show

Derek Ashworth

I’m sorry to have to pass on the sad news I received recently that Derek has passed away. Derek was a very active member of the NACC for many years, taking part in numerous runs on a regular basis and his machines always ran like silk! He had co-run the Granadaland / Lancashire Hot Pops Section of the club for a long time. He also served on our central Committee for a short time a few years ago as Publicity Officer. He will be missed by all and I offer condolences on behalf of the club.

The Section’s page has info on the funeral – click here.

Liz Butler, Secretary NACC